How can dancers build a supportive body image? This article deconstruct various tools like body neutrality and body image resilience to help dancers build a supportive body image and lifelong body confidence.
Read More...Male Dancers: Nutrition, Body Image, & Disordered Eating
For dancers assigned male at birth, nutritional challenges are the reality when navigating intense training schedules. The unfortunate reality of unrealistic body ideals that push thinness and extreme muscular physiques are often to blame. Proper nutrition, however, is crucial for optimizing performance, enhancing recovery, and preventing injuries. This blog post will dispel the nutrition- and body image-related misinformation and uncover the fundamentals of constructing a comprehensive plan to fuel for performance.
Read More...What Is A Ballet Body?
For dancers, a presumed “ideal body” formulates what many know to be the “aesthetic” of ballet. It often ignores what is healthy, and rather, embodies a cluster of privileges surrounding diet and weight— those rooted in white elitism. It has taken me years to find peace and neutrality with my body, let alone continue to dance with it. So when I hear from dancers who continue to experience weight stigma, “fat” talks, and comments in the studio, alarm bells sound. In this blog post, we’ll explore the impact of weight comments in the studio and on social media, and provide practical strategies to navigate these challenges.
Read More...Your Mind-Body Connection: The Role of Food and Nutrition
For dancers, the mind-body connection plays a pivotal role in developing artistic expression. A dancer’s mind-body connection relies on more than just a balanced plate. In this blog post, we will explore the intricate relationship between food, nutrition, and the mind-body connection for dancers— welcoming The Healthy Dancer® Body of Evidence as a tool to build your mind-body connection.
Read More...Can Dancers Strive for Body Goals in a Healthy Way?
Weight loss, muscle gains, and fat loss make up the most common desires for dancers looking to construct body goals. While we know that restrictive dieting isn’t a sustainable path toward these goals, it’s still a tempting route when wanting to look different. This is especially true in a culture that fixates on specific body ideals. Regardless, is it okay for dancers to have body goals? And can they strive for those goals healthfully? Or do these goals require some bit of restrictive control over food and exercise?
Read More...What Is A Healthy Body Weight?
How do we measure a healthy body weight? Body weight, as a measured number, encompasses a spectrum of components of body composition.
Read More...Body Changes: How Dancers Can Confidently Buy New Leotards & Dancewear
As dancers, we inevitably experience body changes. One of the more tangible signs of these changes is the need to buy new leotards. For some, this can be a frustrating process, but embracing these shifts helps to build self-trust, confidence, and a healthier mindset. In this post, we’ll dive into how dancers can face body […]
Read More...5 Actionable Tips to Build a Better Body Image, By Catherine Drury
To consistently dance and perform at your best, you need to have a working relationship with your body. Asking someone to love their body is often unrealistic (though it can be a goal!). However, a certain level of body acceptance is necessary to achieve the physical- and artistic- success required of dancers. Though it takes time, let’s discuss 5 tips to build a better body image:
Read More...Reclaiming My Ballet Body, By Colleen M. Werner
Featured writer Colleen Werner explains how her journey to food- and body- healing shaped her #BoPoBallerina movement.