Diet for Dancers: Are Foods High in Fat Bad?
This article will break down the confusion surrounding dietary fat, shed light on its essential role in your health, and highlight why demonizing it has far more risks than rewards. We’ll also explore the limitations of nutrition research and why the focus on food as a cause of disease often neglects the bigger picture: the damage done by stressing over what we eat.
Read More…The Truth About Gluten and Dairy-Free Diets for Dancers
For over a decade, wellness culture has deemed gluten and dairy as the foes of “health.” When it comes to health, diet culture likes to point a finger at food as having a direct impact on various health and lifestyle outcomes. Interestingly, the obsession over gluten and dairy surfaced back in the early 2000s. But what can seem like an innocent “lifestyle change” can often be a slippery slope into disordered eating.
Read More…Intermittent Fasting for Dancers
If you’ve ever considered intermittent fasting, it’s important to understand the facts before committing. In this article, we’ll explore whether intermittent fasting is a good choice for dancers and how it may impact your performance.
Read More…Is The Keto Diet Effective For Dancers?
The ketogenic diet, commonly known as keto, is a high-fat, low-carb eating plan where fat comprises over 75% of your daily calorie intake. The primary goal is to enter a metabolic state called ketosis, where your body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. In this article, we’ll uncover whether the diet is suitable for dancers.
Read More…5+ Language Shifts To Improve Your Relationship with Food
Linguistics, or how we talk about food, profoundly impacts our feelings about eating it. The goal is to, eventually, build a neutral lens toward food. Redefining your approach to nourishment is one of the most powerful things you can do. The work begins with dismantling restrictive language. This article explores linguistic shifts and breaks down common food-related terms to create a more freeing and enjoyable mealtime experience.
Read More…25+ New Year’s Resolutions for Dancers
We know that diets don’t work within a year of starting and that weight cycling comes with countless negative health implications. In this article, I’m sharing my favorite non-diet resolutions to start your New Year in a way that supports YOU. The goal is to feel confident in your body, competent with your food choices, and supported mentally, physically, and emotionally.
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