It is important to not use nutrition as a way to shrink yourself, since, as dancers, we need to be strong and healthy to support a long career. So many talented dancers have succumbed or are succumbing to disordered eating, and my goal is to help them overcome those habits by referring them to The Healthy Dancer® so they can work alongside a dietitian and receive as much help as Rachel has helped me! I believe that all pre-professional students could benefit from Rachel’s program, even if they do not have disordered eating habits.
The Healthy Dancer® Affiliate

- Cultivate a supportive nutrition approach for your dance audience.
- Foster safe spaces regarding food- and body talk.
- Provide qualified and evidence-based nutrition education to your dancers.
After being educated myself and recovering from disordered eating habits, I understand just how important nutrition can be as a tool to support your dancing. I also understand how harmful a negative relationship with food can be on one’s dancing and overall health. I hope to educate my pre-professional dancers on how they can properly fuel themselves during long days of rehearsals and class so that they can dance to their fullest potential.
The Healthy Dancer® Affiliate
What’s in it for me?
- Be part of a growing community of educators supporting The Healthy Dancer®.
- Access to exclusive programming discounts.
- Earn 15% for every referral.

I am now more able to recognize disordered eating habits among other dancers and I see how prevalent they are at my company. Instead of comparing myself to them, I feel empathy for their situation and wish to alleviate their stress and anxiety around food.
The Healthy Dancer® Affiliate
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It has been an amazing opportunity for me to join this community. I love working with you and learning new ways to empower my students and myself. The Healthy Dancer® is such a valuable asset to the dance world, and I appreciate your kindness. I will always recommend this program and service to my students.